I haven’t written my own book yet.
But these books all contain pieces that I wrote -
essays, chapters, and poetry. Enjoy!

A New World of Seeing: Practice and Perspectives of Natural Vision Improvement

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Amazon – Book

43 authors, 16 countries, one extraordinary vision.

Change the Way You See the World

This groundbreaking anthology – the first and most comprehensive publication of its kind – brings together more than 40 global leaders in the field of Natural Vision Improvement – including optometrists, ophthalmologists, osteopaths, researchers, psychologists, holistic vision experts, natural vision educators, university professors, bestselling authors and more – to explore transformational approaches for improving eyesight naturally, without glasses, contacts or surgery. From the history of the Bates Method to the latest cutting edge scientific research and developments, you will discover the multiple dimensions involved in the experience of seeing, and the extraordinary capacity of your body to improve your vision – and your life.

An Anthology from Another Bunch of Writers You Never Heard Of: The Humboldt Street Writers Group in Action

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This first-of-its-kind collection looks at how a long-term writers group forms and builds working intimacy and trust. You as reader get to move inside the mind, instincts and emotions of each of these writers as you journey through their writings and the group-inspired feedback and artistic relationships that shape them.

The resulting works sprout challenging characters and voices from situations as varied and gritty as urban and rural life can be: a hilarious lottery winner; a raucous raccoon hunt through the night woods in rural California; a pilgrimage that begins at a suicide resort in coastal Japan; a very unempathetic fireman making an emergency run for a Lakota street-person who informs him she’s Sitting Bull’s grand-daughter; a Jewish mystic caught, post-Covid, in a dangerous yet darkly humorous cab ride; a revealing, history-making conversation between a descendant of Enslaved Africans and a descendant of slave traders. It’s also an intimate, privileged view into member Ken Grimes’ last years as he created his final stories. One of Denver’s top Black playwrights and directors, Ken, embraced by his writers group, wrote continuously into the years and months of his struggle through a fatal illness.

We are the West: A Colorado Anthology

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Twenty Bellows takes its name from the legend of Hephaestus – the Greek god of blacksmiths, metalworkers, and craftspeople. In his palatial workshop on Olympus, he toiled with the help of his enchanted bellows, fashioning tools and weapons that would become mythical in their own right. In the glow of his forge, magic was made through sheer effort and a belief in the potential of creation. As writers, poets, and creators of every sort, we share this belief and have dedicated ourselves to creating something remarkable of our own.

In this debut anthology, we have brought together more than forty literary voices, representative of the spirit and experience of Colorado. Through their words, we have reimagined the character and make-up of the Modern West. This is a collection free from stereotypes and expectations. Moreover, it is an equitable showcase, featuring both newcomers and established talent.

Featuring fiction, non-fiction, essay, poetry, and visual art from every corner of our home state, We are the West: A Colorado Anthology is an exciting introduction to the next generation of diverse storytelling and a continuance of a tradition that began thousands of years ago.

Farewell to Salonica: City at the Crossroads

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At the crossroads of East and West, Salonica (now Thessaloniki) was an oasis in a swirl of conflicting powers and interests, a vibrant world of varied peoples, where Leon Sciaky grew up at the turn of the twentieth century. This Paul Dry Books rediscovered classic includes many photos courtesy of Leon Sciaky's son Peter, who has also written a short biographical sketch of his father's life in America.

Carla's grandfather Leon Sciaky was born in 1894, when the Turkish flag still waved over Salonica. His family left their beloved but turbulent homeland in 1915, settling in New York City. Sciaky lived in America—mainly upstate New York—with his wife, Frances, and son until his death in 1958. He taught at a number of progressive schools and camps and, in his last years, owned and operated a school and camp with Frances.

“An altogether charming book, so simply and truthfully written…The Salonica one reads about is not only a fascinating and complex city in which many national and cultural strains run side by side, but it is a critical city of Aegean politics…The breakdown of the Turkish Empire and its consequences for Balkan affairs are better understood when one has read this book. But it is not the political value of the book that should be emphasized so much as its quiet charm, its unpretentious and easy portrayal of a cultural pattern through an account of an engaging family…A warm and softly luminous book.”
The Nation